SqeezeDat – SQL-based graphic display and data logging software

SqeezeDat example

SqeezeDat is a data base software based on the widely used SQL standard. It was designed to record the data of up to 8 individual Aero-Laser instruments via the RS232 interface. The data can be exported from the SQL data base to ASCII or XML format for further calculations or analysis. SqeezeDat works with all Aero-Laser trace gas monitors. Furthermore it can record data from other non Aero-Laser devices, if they are equipped with a RS232 interface and use a compatible command structure.

While recording, SqeezeDat can display graphically up to 8 parameters in separate windows. For an enhanced clarity, more than one parameter can be displayed in a single window.

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Aero-Laser Peak Integrator



The Aero-Laser Peak Integrator was designed to determine the exact mass content of a trace gas from a concentration peak. The software post-processes data obtained by an Aero-Laser trace gas analyzer. Sampling could be done e.g. by thermal desorption or by evaporating the gas content in an oven. The Micro-Chamber µ-CTE is ideal to determine the content of formaldehyde of a sample of well known weight at 120°C. 

The software calculates the absolute mass and volume contained in a concentration peak, including an exact background correction.

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