TSI-440 Total Sky Imager


The Model TSI-440 Total Sky Imager (TSI) is a full color sky camera and software package that offers the forecaster as well as the atmospheric research community an easy-to-use and reliable field sensor for sky imaging. The TSI is designed for long-term field installations and features state-of-the-art camera optics as well as user-serviceable mirror components. The system captures images into industry-standard JPEG format data files, which are then analyzed for parameters such as fractional cloud cover. For installations where the TSI can be connected to a TCP/IP network, the system acts as a sky image server to World-Wide-Web browsers on the Internet.

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TSI-880 Total Sky Imager


The Model TSI-880 Total Sky Imager (TSI) is an automatic, full-color sky imager system that provides real-time display of daytime sky conditions. At many sites, the accurate determination of sky conditions is a highly desirable yet rarely attainable goal. Traditionally, human observers reported sky conditions, resulting in considerable discrepancies from subjective observations. In practice, the use of human observers is not always feasible due to budgetary constraints. The TSI-880 now replaces the need for these human observers under all weather conditions. Unlike the TSI-440 which require a NT workstation to process their images, the TSI-880 is a self-contained system which automatically processes images internally and can be optionally teamed with YESDAQ to store data from networks of remote imagers. In addition to present weather and sky monitoring, it provides and automated real-time panoramic image making it well suited for physical security applications. 

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